The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

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King's Reward
The King has awarded you
Thanks for your service, hunter!
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Thanks for your service, hunter!
This hunter's Hunting License has been suspended.
49 minutes
Viceroy (52%)
Hunting since Apr 18, 2018
Not currently on a map.
#35040 in Global Clues
Floating Islands
4:24 am - Floating Islands
I went on a hunt with Zax Khew where I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 4 oz. Spheric Diviner worth 205,000 points and 21,000 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 8 Sky Ore
4:08 am - Floating Islands
I went on a hunt with Samui Kao where I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 4 oz. Spheric Diviner worth 205,000 points and 21,000 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 8 Sky Ore
4:00 am - Floating Islands
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 12 oz. Cumulost Mouse worth 102,000 points and 10,250 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 8 Sky Ore
3:13 am - Floating Islands
I went on a hunt with Mohd Ammar Rafik and was lucky!

I caught a 5 oz. Spry Sky Explorer Mouse worth 80,000 points and 26,000 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 8 Sky Ore
2:56 am - Floating Islands
Hunter’s Progress Report
Last 1 day, 15 hours
Catches:64 Fail to Attract:0
Misses:50 Stale Bait:0
Gained:1,045,960 Gained:7,790,200
Lost:16,133 Lost:6,410
Total:1,029,827 Total:7,783,790
More details
1:00 am - Floating Islands
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 12 oz. Spheric Diviner worth 205,000 points and 21,000 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 8 Sky Ore
11:00 pm - Floating Islands
I checked my trap and found that I got lucky!

I caught a 3 oz. Spry Sky Explorer Mouse worth 80,000 points and 26,000 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 8 Sky Ore
8:00 pm - Floating Islands
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 4 oz. Spry Sky Seer Mouse worth 92,000 points and 12,500 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 8 Sky Ore
7:00 pm - Floating Islands
I checked my trap and found that I had caught a mouse! I caught a 12 oz. Paragon of Forgotten worth 2,000,000 points and 100,000 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
1 Skysoft Silk, and 1 Cyclone Stone
5:48 pm - Floating Islands
I went on a hunt with Zax Khew where I was successful in my hunt! I caught a 5 oz. Cumulost Mouse worth 102,000 points and 10,250 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 8 Sky Ore
5:33 pm - Floating Islands
I went on a hunt with Zax Khew and was lucky!

I caught an 11 oz. Spry Sky Seer Mouse worth 92,000 points and 12,500 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 4 Sky Ore
5:00 pm - Floating Islands
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 3 oz. Spry Sky Seer Mouse worth 92,000 points and 12,500 gold.

The mouse also dropped the following loot:
8 Sky Glass, and 4 Sky Ore
Switch to Simple Camp MouseHunt v3.2-103832
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