The King has sent you a special reward!
As thanks for committing to the Hunt so fervently, the King has chosen to reward you!

The answer is not case sensitive.
King's Reward
The King has awarded you
Thanks for your service, hunter!
You have already solved this puzzle!
Thanks for your service, hunter!

The GOLDEN Egg has been Released!

Find the Golden Egg to Unlock the
Chocolate Factory Location
Hunt for the Hare Razor Mouse to find a way to smash open your eggs

All 10 Spring Hunt Eggs have been released!

The Chocolate Factory is fully operational, meaning all 10 Spring Hunt Eggs have gone into production and can now be found as loot across the entire Kingdom! Finding the 10th and final egg, the Golden Egg, will unlock the Chocolate Factory location where you can begin the hunt for the Hare Razor Mouse.

Hidden in the Chocolate Factory is the secret of how to smash open the Spring Hunt Eggs to find the loot trapped inside! What could be in all those colourful eggs...? Not even Scrambles knows!

Dark Chocolate Charms

Stocked at the Chocolate Factory Charm Shoppe are Dark Chocolate Charms. These enchanted pieces of confectionery can be armed to attract some of the spookier mice known to inhabit the factory. If you're looking for a bit more of a challenge while at the Chocolate Factory try arming some Dark Chocolate Charms.

Dark Chocolate Charms can also be found in Spring Gift Baskets along with SUPER|brie+ and the Lucky Golden Shield. They can be opened by visiting the special section of your inventory, or can be sent to friends to help them in their chocolatey quest!

Bonus Eggs can be discovered!

The Spring Egg Hunt doesn't stop with only 10 eggs! Dozens of BONUS eggs have been scattered around the Kingdom and can be smashed open for more loot. Can you find all of them?

Spring Egg Hunt 2011
- Find 10 hidden eggs to unlock the Chocolate Factory location
- Travel to the Chocolate Factory and hunt for the Hare Razor Mouse
- Find a way to smash open your eggs to redeem the loot inside!
- BONUS eggs can be found after you've captured Hare Razor
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Posted Apr 19, 2011 2:22pm by Dave Vanderburg

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